When a person drives regularly in the Detroit area, potholes are a part of life. Where else do you hear radio trafficreports of multiple cars pulled over to fix flat tires caused by a mega pothole? Well, here is a link from our beloved Michigan Department of Transportation. It even has a claim form for reimbursement from pothole damage and an explanation of why potholes occur. (To me, the main reason is lack of maintenance or proper construction).
Tips for driving in the presence of potholes...
- If you don't have anti-lock brakes (ABS), don't slam on the brakes while driving through a pothole. A wheel that stops spinning while traversing the pothole can be damaged more easily than one rolling through it.
- If you have driving lights or foglights, turn them on at night so that they become pothole seekers. The shadows in the potholes help you see them earlier so that you can avoid them.
- Don't follow vehicles in front of you too closely. This gives you less time to notice potholes to possibly avoid them.
So, as our temperatures rise and fall amidst precipitation events, keep your eyes open for those nasty little road craters and drive safely.
- Atul