We all see the signs that say "Report Littering, Call 1-800-44-TRASH," but how many of us actually call people in when we see them litter? More importantly, how many of us litter. It's a growing problem and an embarrassment everywhere, not just Detroit. But we can all do something about it. Keep our trash to ourselves in our vehicle and throw it away in a trash can.
There is currently a Spring Cleaning going on as reported by The Free Press, and this is admirable, but wouldn't it be more admirable if we would all just stop throwing trash onto the roads and sidewalks? Even cigarette butts are litter. I participated in an Adopt-A-Highway event and saw hundreds more butts than you can see while passing by. They can take up to 17 years to decompose and they contain toxic chemicals, (the ones that stay in the butt after polluting the air and people's lungs). To put the magnitude of the problem in perspective, nearly a ton of litter is thrown onto each mile of our U.S. interstates each year... one piece at a time.
If you are proud of your city, show it. Visitors don't think any more of Detroit when they see wrappers, trash or car parts at the side of the road. Trash bags full of litter during clean-up day don't help either.
If you want to help clean up, here are some contact websites...
City of Detroit http://www.ci.detroit.mi.us/default.htm
MDOT Adopt A Highway http://www.michigan.gov/mdot/0,1607,7-151-9621_11041_14408-29047--,00.html
But remember, the best way to keep the area clean is to not get it dirty in the first place.
- Atul
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