The old, ugly images are the easiest ones to recall, to ridicule, so people do. All we're saying is, plenty has changed, if anyone dares to look. - Bob Wojnowski
Bob Wojnowski made a great point in the Detroit News today. While parts of Detroit are unappealing (abandoned buildings, broken windows, empty lots) much has changed in this city. We have a lot to be proud of and shouldn't look at the negative aspects of our city.
True Detroit does not have the glitz and glamour of Miami or LA, or even the excitement in NYC. But, Detroit has the original blue collar ethic that hard work and effort will lead to rewards. We've got great sports and great teams who capture the blue collar ethic. Even the Piston's team motto is "Goin to Work." The white collar jobs in this city have a blue collar tone too.
The past few years we've seen a new Ford Field, Tiger's Stadium, increase in downtown commerce (Compuware building, Ernst and Young, etc.) new lofts, new restaurants, new retail outlets, new, new, new..... We were proud to have the Amistad dock it's historic ship on our waters, proud to celebrate 300 years of Detroit, proud to be home to the Big Three, and are proud to host Super Bowl XL.
I work downtown and I feel change in the air as I walk around the town. There's a feeling of excitement and revival. I know it's been a long, slow process, but it's worth the wait.
We have a lot to be proud of Detroit. And the world may talk about the negatives, but they will for sure see many of the positive.
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