Ville is a new Roundtabler so welcome her to the fold by visiting her Roundtable post for this week. In it, she talks about those lovable kids we see who sell stuff to us with their powers of cuteness. But she's also peaved by the fact that today's children expect everything... and their parents tend to give it to them. She believes that parents today need to do a better job of raising kids so that they're not as coddled and won't have as harsh of a wake-up call when they grow up. Have a read and post a comment over at her blog This is Where I Talk & You Listen.
+ Atul
She is so right. Thanks for the link, Atul. By the way, I got here via 25 Peeps (I’m the guy with the camera).
Posted by: Jack Yan | July 10, 2006 at 09:01 AM