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There are still occasional restaurants that give diners both a bib and a napkin, usually for something like lobster.

Our local Quizno is generous enough with the napkins, but I started noticing that no matter what kind of sandwich I ordered the taste and texture there was essentially identical.

Of course, at least Jared doesn't hang out there.

Travis Jenkins

We have a two napkin rule at our house. My boys clothng needs all the protection it can get during meal times. We require one paper napkin tucked in the collar and one tucked in at the waist. We save a lot on laundry and prevent a lot of stains.



I like your family two napkin rule. You are wise to do this.

Just today, I was eating lunch and had to ask for an extra napkin, and then I saw a woman also ask for napkins. How simple would it be for restaurants to substantially improve customer service just by setting the table with two napkins? How simple is that?

Dave P

Your comments which I agree with for the most part are designed for people like you and me. However, as someone who has worked in a restaurant, not everyone is as concerned about their cleanliness and manners. I've seen a number of people(men) use their shirt sleeves as a napkin. Also, while I agree that providing the napkins is a nice service touch, the cost of automatically giving 2 napkins would show up as costly. How much business gained/lost versus the cost of providing the extra napkins would be an interesting study. You forgot to recommend using recycled paper for those extra napkins rather than chopping down more trees as a result of excess consumption. The environmentalists are going to be banging down your door!!

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