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I just don't understand why people get Chinese words tatooed on their skin. Especially, what kind of words do you get put on you if you're already Chinese?


"Me so horny," for starters.


Everybody knows that's Vietnamese Prego.

And I wonder what kind of English words do people in other countries put on their tattoos?


Ah... so....

(All right. Enough with my bad ethnic stereotype humor.)

You know, from a foreigner's perspective, It's kind of amusing to look at what's 'cool' about the English language.

I have some cousins in Venezuela whose names are something like Wilton, Wilson and another named Hendrick. They've got to be in their twenties or early thirties now. I'm sure my uncles were aiming for Anglo sounding names for some reason.

I have a 'rock star' friend who's got some tattoos of some Japanese symbols that he claims are his favorite sushi menu. I don't suppose a Chinese gent or any other citizen of this planet would be dumb enough to tattoo a Valu-Meal menu or "McDLT" on their torso.

Enjoy your holiday tomorrow.


English is abused (at least from our perspective) by people in other countries. Along the same lines as what you said, there are Indian girls named Dolly, Pinky, and even one I met named Shiny. I kid you not.

Car names in Japan are also funny when they use English, like the Cedric, the Gloria, and then I once bought Chinese table tennis balls and they were rated "Double Happiness"

Yes food name tattoos would be weird if the people around you understood what you were talking about. If they don't understand, just the fact that they are in another language makes them mysterious.

Happy Thanksgiving

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