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Good for you Atul. I made a small donation, but as you may know bicycling has been a big part of my life. I'd never ridden more than fifty miles in a day when I decided to ride cross country many years ago. Great way to honor your father.

If you come west of Lake Tahoe, please let me know.


Good for you Atul. I made a small donation, but as you may know bicycling has been a big part of my life. I'd never ridden more than fifty miles in a day when I decided to ride cross country many years ago. Great way to honor your father.

If you come west of Lake Tahoe, please let me know.



Thank you very much for the donation. I didn't know about your bicycling career. That's impressive that you rode across the country. I always wanted to do that. If I'm ever in the area, I'll drop you a line.

Take care.

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