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Jake Ledlow

This blog is very interesting. I would like readers to comment on what they would consider what makes humans different than animals. Or some of the elements of human nature, like what drives us to distinguish between (what we think is) right or wrong. I think this post is thought provoking. Good work!



Glad you like the blog. I'm surprised that you're the first person to ever comment on this post so thanks.

I always say that humans are the only creatures that are able to show compassion for other living things. That is a big differentiator. As for what's right and wrong, that's a huge debate in itself. I tend to believe that there are certain morals that are universal, (like not killing each other). Most religions talk about these, but I still think atheists can be just as moral as believers of any religion.



Glad you like the blog. I'm surprised that you're the first person to ever comment on this post so thanks.

I always say that humans are the only creatures that are able to show compassion for other living things. That is a big differentiator. As for what's right and wrong, that's a huge debate in itself. I tend to believe that there are certain morals that are universal, (like not killing each other). Most religions talk about these, but I still think atheists can be just as moral as believers of any religion.

Natalie E.

I really enjoyed reading this, it makes a very good point. This is life and we need to accept it for what it is. Things happen and we need to look at these things from a more realistic point of view. God wouldn't let these things happen if we couldn't handle it; we just have to chose to handle it. I also agree, animals will always be animals, no matter how hard we try to make them more human like. Thats how they are supposed to be.



This is one of my favorite posts so I'm glad you commented on it. We do have to be realistic. The earth existed long before humans did and it doesn't nor should it cater to us. Every creature is here on earth for a purpose and we try to change or control them. It's debatable whether we should but if they don't, then we shouldn't complain or personify natural occurrences to be evil.

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