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Oleg Tumarkin

Or Perhaps everyone is asking a bunch of people for directions. I've been asked for directions on three continents even when I did not look local at all. I suspect you spend time outside and walk a lot along major roads... Combine that with not being scarry looking and you will have people asking you for directions at least a couple times a month.


Wow! I think it is very odd that me and my boyfriend are asked the same things as you. We were shopping at Home Depot and people were asking him if he knew where things were located. For a joke, he told everyone that the patio and lawn furniture was 50% off! People ask me for directions at the airport, university, stores, everywhere! Do I look knowledgeable, friendly, authoritative? What is it?


Oleg and Angie,

You both are making me think that people ask for directions a lot more than I realize. (I guess men ask for directions to?) That means we all get asked quite frequently and perhaps I'm not so unique in this respect. I like the 50% off that your boyfriend uses because it's funny yet causes no harm.

Allison Zemaitis

That's really funny! I've had more people ask me for directions lately as well. I guess it's the fact that we're approachable and don't look like we're going to shoot someone. Which is always a plus.

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For get the Superbowl because, in the words of Saint Snooki:
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I feel like I need a cigarette now because this meeting of minds, pop culture and entertainment was so exhilarating.

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For get the Superbowl because, in the words of Saint Snooki:
Oh my god, fucking Christmas.
I feel like I need a cigarette now because this meeting of minds, pop culture and entertainment was so exhilarating.

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