The staff here at "Things I've Noticed" want to officially wish everybody a Happy Thanksgiving. I can't believe its already late November and we have been subjected to Christmas music since right after Halloween. I boycott those radio stations.
Anyway, my brother and I played in our annual Turkey Bowl football game on our team which represents our part of our old neighborhood. The good thing is that we won on a last second miracle play and I had a few good defensive plays covering a faster taller guy, but later I collided with him and we went knee-to-knee so I have a massive bruise on the side of the knee and slight hyperextension. (That's my diagnosis so I'll take Motrin and put ice on it and save $75 to hear the same advice from a doctor). I can walk, but it hurts. I'll be going on the injured reserve list for a few weeks now which sucks.
But, I have lots to be thankful for including family, friends, their health, a job, food, a roof over my head, and a Democratic win for the presidential election. It's just too bad that it had to be marred by the bombings and terrorism in Mumbai. I was there just last December. The economic collapse and possible Detroit 3 bankruptcy also puts a damper on things.
I haven't seen any wild turkeys in our neighborhood this year like I did last year, but I am making this my 18th consecutive Pro-Turkey Day by not eating a turkey. The turkeys I know also highly recommend this practice.
+ Atul
Glad you had a good thanksgiving and hope your knee gets better soon. I have to say that between the Big 3, Mumbai, the loss of your Dad, and the Cleveland Browns, obviously not in that's been sort of a rough run for you though I guess you got away from the auto business in time.
Let 2009 be all good stuff...and I'm sure the bigger faster guy is hurting worse than you are.
Posted by: chancelucky | December 04, 2008 at 06:41 PM
Good to hear about you maintaining Thanksgiving traditions. When you say "the staff here...", it makes me wonder if you have a frog in your pocket. We saw the movie I had told you about-Slumdog Millionaire-last night at a sneak preview. Go see it. It is good. India certainly has very rich and poor regions. You'll like the film. I now know of a Patel more famous than you.
Posted by: Dave P | December 05, 2008 at 09:32 AM
Happy Belatied Thanksgiving guys.
CL, it has at least been a better year than the year before. My father passed away in 2007. Time flies. But I was very fortunate leaving my past employers when I did. Hopefully you and your family are doing fine. My knee seems fine now.
Yes, the "staff" thing is a joke to make my site seem like a real business. (I am up to $8.50 in advertising revenue though). I did see Slumdog Millionaire at a free preview night almost 3 weeks ago. I liked it. Yes, now I'm not the most famous Patel in the world. Hope you had a good Thanksgiving too.
Posted by: Atul | December 09, 2008 at 12:08 PM