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Elizabeth McQuern

Very thought-provoking, Atul. I have thought about this as well from time to time. I've always thought that people who so dirty jobs should be paid more than they usually are. And some folks are definitely paid more than they're worth.



Glad you liked the post and I'm not surprised that you have also thought about it. We both know that bloggers and writers should get paid the most :-) I forgot to mention that.


Seriously? Your post was neither funny (at all) or logical.



Your comment was neither intelligent or true.


Aleksandar M. Velkoski

Interesting perspective. A good question to ask is, "how do we determine the salaries of the various professions" and, "are we taking into consideration all factors when determining those figures?" Should janitors make $5 an hour? Probably not. Should professional athletes make tens of millions? Good question. Maybe an even better question is, "how do we determine value?"



It is hard to determine what a job is worth. There are so many factors. Salary is an indicator of your ability to make money for your company's owners'. But there's often not a direct correlation. One way would be for all the people in a profession to stop working and see the impact of that work not getting done, but that would be impractical I forgot to write about entertainers along with athletes. I supposes we value entertainment much more highly than getting home safe in our cars because of the work an engineer or mechanic does.


Some people make huge amounts of money for what I do...I've just never been one of them.



Are you talking about getting paid for blogging or for your real job.

Aleksandar M. Velkoski

If the value of a commodity is related to the amount of labor required to acquire it, then maybe the value of labor is related to the level of uniqueness of a given skill set required to acquire the commodity (all else equal). If the skill set for a position can be learned rather easily, or if the supply for that skill set is high, then maybe it will, rightfully so, be classified as less valuable (from a price-value perspective). If a neurosurgeon was in high supply, maybe they wouldn't be paid as high. However, since their supply is rather low, and since their demand is strong, they are compensated well. And, I strongly agree with that philosophy (I don't think you would disagree Atul).

I think your problem goes a bit deeper than "salaries" (not to psychologically analyze you LOL, but let's go with it for a minute). Since I've known you, you've had very strong (innate) stances for equality, fairness, and justice. You don't like to see your fellow man fail. You don't like to see your fellow man be degraded. And, you don't like to see your fellow man starve. That is what I think is driving this discussion. Maybe your next post should have something to do with those topics. I'd love to hear what you have to say! :-)

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