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Chris Morales

The Canadian currency is more colourful to help identify the different amounts quickly. We need all the help we can get since our currency is worth less than the US $ and we really don't have anything else to brag about right now. Great post BTW :)



Thanks for stopping by and glad you liked the post. How did you find my blog?

Anyway, I like the Canadian idea of using different colors for different denominations. In India, they used to use different sized bills for the denominations.

Trust me, Canada has more to brag about right now than the U.S. does. We are the home of greed and the financial crisis. At least we have the PR strength of Obama.


Let's face it, paper notes of different sizes and colors makes too much sense and borders on un-American. The U.S. Dollar should stay green forever. As for the proliferation of plate designs, I am with you but did you see my post where you can have special green plates if you drive something that gets over 40 mpg...
Great post Atul!

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