It’s hard to believe that this blog has been in existence for five years (as of January). Thanks to my readers and random visitors throughout the years. I haven’t been consistent in posting and this blog is not a moneymaker (as it’s more of a money loser), but I still enjoy writing posts. It comes down to me wanting to share thoughts that I have. I may have mentioned this before, but when I was younger, I hated to write. That probably contributed to my majoring in engineering and thinking about majoring in art. As I became older, I realized that I like to express things I notice through comedy or website bulletin board comments. Then after I took an MBA class on blogging at Michigan, I started "Things I’ve Noticed" as part of a project. When I tried to decide what to include in the blog, I realized that I could use it as a creative outlet and that I was in charge of the content.
Many of my posts are just lighthearted fun posts based on observations I’ve had, but some are based on heartfelt opinions. As I’ve gotten older, I have realized that I feel the need to express my opinion more. I’m not sure if others feel the same way as they get older. I’m also not sure why this is the case for me. But I have some ideas. Perhaps as I get older, I collect more information and evidence and I think more about why things are the way they are. This makes me more sure of myself and my opinions (at least from my perspective). And so I feel the need to share with others. Perhaps this is an expression of a need to share my beliefs to convince others. There is power in a blog in that it is searchable and it’s a small way to spread influence. If I can change a few minds and a few votes, then I have made an impact. If it can make people be more accepting of others, then I have made an impact.
Perhaps I feel the need to share my opinion because I get sick of opposing opinions and lies being spread by outlets such as Fox News. Of course, there is a downside. When you share your opinion, you not only make instant friends but you also make instant enemies. Even if it’s difficult, I'm of the opinion that one shouldn’t let differences of opinion get in the way of friendships.
For the foreseeable future, I will continue to blog in a random fashion. That’s just how I roll and I’m the boss. I have a Word file with plenty of blog post ideas and quotes that will supply material for at least a couple of more years so keep visiting and reading. Comments are great too.
+ Atul
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