I’ve written about cities people live in and the cool factor. There is much to consider with respect to the culture, scene, and people. But major laws that affect our lives tend to go with the state we live in. Recent news has reminded me of how important this is. Events such as forced examinations for pregnant women, the shooting of Trayvon Martin versus vigilante gun laws, and laws such as the death penalty are all ones that could either directly affect us or contradict our own philosophical principles.
By having lived in 4 states, I have realized that minor laws can be quite different in each state and they can affect your life (or pocketbook) little by little. Where and how much you pay for taxes or to register your vehicle, alcohol laws, the driving age, voter registration laws can all catch you off guard and take getting used to. But these tend not to be a big deal.
What is a big deal is that if you move to a state that leans heavily for or against your political party, your vote becomes less significant if not insignificant. Divorce and inheritance laws can be different. Police traffic enforcement varies widely from state to state and this can cost you. Some states are more consumer friendly when it comes to contracts or insurance. Most people don’t even think about such issues when they decide to move but these might be worth checking into.
I do in a way envy people who have never left the state they grew up in. They live where everything is the way they’re used to and the way they expect. It also makes the choice of where to live less of a factor. A non-choice never leads to regret. But moving around does expand our horizons and open our minds. If you do move to another state, choose wisely.
+ Atul