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Danielle D

Well said. I agree that the death of famous people should not surprise us. I like your point of view on how history keeps getting longer. The news does cover way too much about celebrity deaths when instead we could be getting more information about what is really happening around the world. The fact that idolizing another offers no value over simply admiring another summarizes your point perfectly.

Katrina W

Drugs are so readily available for these celebritys,so the death toll for them is always going to be high when they indulge. It's very sad to see them leave so harshly.



That's a good point. As history keeps getting longer, perhaps the media needs to make more of an effort to focus on important matters. Celebrities really don't impact our lives that much.


It is sad that drugs are easy to get and celebrities usually have a lot of money so they aren't limited in how much they use and it often leads to a harsh death.


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