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Dylan Cooper

This is a great quote because it makes a lot of sense. As an athlete, we should have the same mindset. I'm not saying I will ever make it to the Major Leagues, but if I do I would have to make sure I have a good relationship with my fans, hoping they would return the favor. Not the other way around.



Yes, whether we are entertainers, athletes or even businesspeople, we have to appreciate the many people who put us where we are every day. And we don't need any famous people in our daily lives so they shouldn't forget it!


Elizabeth Otten

This quote is a concept that I think many people forget. Athletes, Entertainers, major business owners need to remember that they would not be any where if it wasn't for the people that surround and support them.

Morgan T

I totally agree with this quote. Celebrities need their fans more than fan need the celebrities. And half the time celebrities do not even acknowledge their fans, which is sad.

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