As I’ve written before, the internet is amazing. It informs us thereby making us smarter, connects us, entertains us and so much more. But I’m noticing that it also spoils us. Once our internet connection is presumably established through WiFi, (often free WiFi,) we expect everything that comes to our screen to be free and with no strings attached. Maybe I’m just getting old, but it’s becoming annoying. In the past, I’ve defended Gen X and Gen Y as not being selfish and I believe the same applies to Millennials. In the online interactive world, every generation feels entitled. When it comes to websites and apps, of which 98% are free, we have little right to complain.
Of course, when a website or app decides to charge for its content, web users complain because they expect it to be free. In a way, this is understandable. The content providers themselves have created this expectation of “complimentary’ism” since they started giving it all away for no money a long time ago. (Ask the newspaper companies if this was a good idea.) But that still leaves 98% of websites and apps that we can use or download for free. Despite the fact that many of these interactive websites and apps, (or W&A’s as I will call them,) lose money, we tend to forget that they are supposed to be businesses. Why would anybody start something up that’s expensive unless they can make money off of it?
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