I’ve been working in an industry which is new to me for less than two years. It’s a familiar spot after I switched jobs a few times after the economic crisis. And since I work on the product side, I’ve had to start at the bottom of the learning curve to understand products in an industry that was never even on my radar. Nothing beats experience and the general absorption of knowledge from others who have been “in the biz.” But I’m growing tired of people that have accumulated knowledge over 15 years or more and act like they were born knowing about their industry.
They forget that they were in fact not born knowing it and are often unsympathetic to those that are new. Granted, many people are helpful; they are indispensable because their knowledge cannot be replaced or bought. But there are those that just don’t have any empathy and can’t put themselves in your shoes. They often show disrespect as a result. This is not a healthy corporate cultural phenomenon as it is a turn-off to new employees, giving them a semi-hostile environment.
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