I've heard it over and over again, that Gen X and Gen Y'ers are selfish, and have an unjustified sense of entitlement. And I'm a bit tired of it. If you really think about it, the prior generations are more selfish. I don't mean to take anything away from all their efforts to put us where we are today, including hard work, and sacrificing their lives in major wars as well as raising us. But don't forget that they were fortunate enough to live in a world in which they could go to school, work hard, possibly go to college, get a good job, get married, buy a house and live the American dream. On the other hand, our generations have to go into deep debt to get a decent education, face bleak job markets with insecure, low paying part-time jobs having minimal benefits, cannot afford housing because the prices are outrageous. So why is it this way? I would say part of it is that the prior generations have accumulated wealth and power and are not willing to let go of it.
How many executives keep working beyond retirement age and subsequently put a stop on younger individuals from climbing the corporate ladder? Who is responsible for expecting us to work extra hours without getting paid overtime? Few in our generation will have pensions although many in the prior generation are all set. It didn't used to be this way. And who owns real estate that has ballooned in value since the affordable era and takes advantage of our inability to buy property by charging high amounts of rent? The prior generations are much wealthier and we are the first generations that will not be better off than their parents' generations. Sure kids these days are coddled as children, but when we are put out into the real world, it's a harsh one indeed. At least most of our own parents love us and would take us in to live with them if we needed to.
Politically speaking, politicians don't care about the needs of us younger people partially because not enough of us vote. Even then, which politician has a platform that favors Gen X'ers and Gen Y'ers?. Our government's spending deficit will surely haunt us long after these politicians have passed on. Environmentally speaking, we owe the current predicament to the refusal of prior generations to plan for sustainability and pollution controls until recently. I have a feeling that it has happened too late and now Gen X and Gen Y have to clean up the mess, (literally).
We are not perfect. We can be a bit self-absorbed and have a difficult time committing to anything. But companies aren't loyal to us, so we're not used to being loyally committed to them, let alone anything else. Also, I understand that we have a propensity to spend more than we can afford, but which generation's marketers decided to prey on young college students by offering them easy credit before they even have income? They could have at least educated us better so that we would know how much of a rip off the high interest rates are. To make matters worse, there are less of us than there are baby boomers and they'll be counting on us for Social Security funds as if we don't have enough of a burden of our own. The only saving grace is that they can't take it with them and they can't live forever. Or can they?...
Here are some links to commentary by those who share some of my viewpoints and some who are a bit more extreme.
+ Atul
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